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Finding Fastest Known Times in your area

Published 2020-07-08

I've long been a fan of Fastest Known Time, a website dedicated to tracking attempts at breaking the fastest known times (FKTs) on running and hiking routes. They also have a wonderful podcast where they interview the people attempting to break these FKTs.

I'm pleased to say that Trail Router now provides an option to browse Fastest Known Time routes directly on the map. This might be useful if you're feeling energetic and feel like stealing an FKT in your local area!

FKTs in the UK

To display the FKT routes, open the settings menu (the cog icon), and check the 'Show Fastest Known Time routes' box. FKT routes will be shown in purple.

If you zoom in, the name of the FKT will be displayed alongside the route. You can also right click on the right (or long-press if you're on mobile) and click 'View FKT'. This will take you to the route page on where you can find out more about the route, including the record and the record holder.

Zoom in on an FKT

We will be periodically updating the routes from Fastest Known Time, so if you submit one and it doesn't immediately show up on Trail Router then don't worry.

Many thanks to Buzz at Fastest Known Time for granting us permission to display their routes on Trail Router.